Tagged as Varicose Veins

Introduction - In simple terms, spider veins may be described as the "little brothers" of varicose veins.  They are not just smaller but subscribe to a few other basic differences.  These types of vessels broadly fall under the category of “dysfunctional veins.” - Why do veins become dysfunctional?  Common problems that lead to “bad veins” include venous insufficiency and reflux.  Simply put, when...
August 22, 2022
INTRODUCTION - Anyone that is unclear as to the diagnostic and treatment options available for varicose veins or that has received incorrect information is more likely to make a wrong decision regarding his/her “bad -vein” problems. Making good decisions, after all, starts with having accurate, complete and up-to-date information at one’s disposal. POPULAR MYTHS EVERYONE SHOULD SHUN - “Any doctor is...
September 12, 2019
INTRODUCTION - Although there are a number of treatment options for varicose veins, sclerotherapy remains one of the most popular options for a number of reasons.  For one thing, it is relatively painless, quick and highly effective. If confronted with reticular, spider or varicose veins, your best bet is to conduct some research regarding what diagnostic and treatment options are presently available....
July 31, 2018
Elevate your legs while at work or sitting at your computer.  The purpose of elevating your legs is so the blood will be pumped back to your heart and not pool in your legs. Always wear low-healed footwear. Wearing high heels puts a lot of tension on your calf muscles and can not only increase the tension on your foot muscles, but can also promote extra pressure on your calf muscles and promote spider...
April 23, 2018
The first thing to know about vein disease is that it is not one single disease. It covers a number of vascular system ailments ranging from common problems like chronic venous disease and varicose veins to other conditions such as lymphedema, a condition that affects the flow of blood to the lymph nodes. These conditions cause the valves in arteries, veins, and capillaries that keep the blood flowing...
February 12, 2018