Tagged as Trans Fats

Thanks to better nutrition labeling, increased awareness and science-based nutrition education, Americans are now - consuming a healthier diet - than they did in years past. Many people are paying more attention to nutrition labels and striving to make healthier food choices and are then surprised to learn that there are several hidden, unhealthy fillers and additives in many of the foods they eat....
October 23, 2023
As if we didn’t already have enough reasons to avoid trans fats, we may now also have to worry about their long-term effects on the brain. You might not see as many trans fats on labels as you used to, but they’re still out there, quietly wreaking havoc on our health. They might even increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Check this out. Trans Fats on the Body - Trans fats- used to be...
February 17, 2020