Tagged as Time Management

Making time for exercise can be tough. For those who have carved out an hour of precious free time to hit the gym or head outside, the hope is that every minute will count. So here’s the big question. Will exercising in the morning or evening make a workout more effective? -Preliminary research reveals some great suggestions but has some caveats, too. Here's the latest research linking time of day...
December 21, 2022
The art of procrastination is common — probably more common than not. There are many reasons why we hold off on completing important tasks, no matter how simple or mundane they are. But why do we put off scheduling a doctor’s appointment or studying for an exam until the last minute? And how can we stop when it's become a habit? - Most of us procrastinate because we don't want to do some particular...
March 22, 2021
Many adults squeeze in workouts throughout the day, but research seems to say that although this is better than nothing, it may limit fat-burning potential. Research- now indicates that people who exercise before breakfast shed twice as much fat as those who fuel up with food first. We'd all perhaps be better off if we maximize the benefits of any fitness routine by scheduling workouts before our first...
March 16, 2020
You can't be your healthiest and live life to the fullest when you wake up anxious and under pressure to meet non-stop deadlines, responding to piles of messages and juggle work and family obligations. It can leave anyone stressed out. Stress is one of the biggest factors to our health, yet for most people, managing our business and personal obligations in a way that leaves us healthy and productive...
January 11, 2015
Choosing What is Necessary vs What is Important - We all find time to do what we really want to do. William Feather When I talk to people I always hear: "-I don't have time to exercise" or "I don't have time to cook."  -Many people have jobs that take up a lot of time and if it's not that it's often family that eats up our time.  But I will tell you this: if you do not take time for health and fitness...
February 7, 2014