Tagged as sleep myths

Humans might be the only creatures on Earth with such unpredictable sleeping patterns. Some people rise every morning at the crack of dawn, while others of us struggle to drag ourselves out of bed by noon. Night owl schedules aren't necessarily disordered, but their patterns can conflict with normal working hours, which may affect their ability to function in a world designed for early risers. Researchers...
July 2, 2021
Not much can disrupt a person’s day like a bad night’s sleep. According to the -CDC-, over 35% of adults fall short of the recommended 7 hours of sleep they should be getting each night, and the repercussions could be huge. So why are so many people failing to get enough sleep? A handful of common insomnia myths could be at least partially to blame. Myth: Alcohol Makes a Helpful Sleep Aid - Many of...
January 25, 2021