Tagged as Skin Nourishment

To get clear skin and thick hair, you need to look beyond creams and conditioners. While these topical treatments can help, healthy skin and hair start from within, with the nutrients you consume. Making certain foods a part of your diet can improve skin and hair health. In addition to a healthy balanced diet, there are certain foods that can do wonders for your skin and hair. Keep reading to find...
May 7, 2022
The winter brings dry, cold air that zaps skin of its moisture, leaving it feeling dry, rough and raw. Indoor heating can also be harsh, and, in some cases, maybe worse. We can also put common -winter habits o-n that list. Things like taking hot showers, wearing heavy clothing, drinking less water and indulging in holiday junk food, can also wreak havoc on skin. But we can tackle the problem s long...
January 3, 2020