Tagged as Seasonal Allergies

It’s that time of the year again. The sniffles, congestion, and red eyes are a dead giveaway: It’s allergy season. And now is the time to get prepared. Many allergy sufferers have multiple allergens but a whole lot of us are sensitive to pollen — and therefore we suffer most in the spring. Here are some solid tips on preparing for those miserable spring allergies. Set Up an Appointment With a Doctor...
February 21, 2023
"Allergies" or "allergic reactions" - some of which are referred to as "hypersensitivity reactions" in the scientific community - are at epidemic (if not pandemic) levels right now.  Different theories are being proposed as to why this is so but the most convincing one (according to some experts) is that ubiquitous toxic chemicals and biological agents in our food, water and air are to blame. Since...
August 12, 2022
Stuffy nose, watering, itchy eyes and dry mouth — these are just a few of the annoying symptoms of seasonal allergies. For many, allergies are more than annoying; they can seriously affect the quality of life. But treating allergies isn’t always simple. Some medications come with -side effects- that are nearly as annoying as the symptoms themselves, and others just don’t work as well as we might hope....
March 29, 2022
It’s that time of year again, when the cool evening temperatures, changing color of leaves and blooming ragweed trigger allergies and send many running for allergy medications to relieve sneezing, running noses, puffy eyes, itchy throats, wheezing and hacking coughs. However, a nutritarian diet – can offer greater relief this time of year, along with other life-long benefits.  A study of 56 different...
August 27, 2021
Allergies can make breathing difficult, so it’s safe to assume they might make upper respiratory infections even more severe. But if that's the case then why is it that -allergy sufferers- appear even -less- likely to experience extreme COVID-19 symptoms? The answer could be as simple as it is surprising. Effects of Allergies on the Body - Allergies are the result of mistakes the immune system makes,...
November 25, 2020