Tagged as Psychotherapy

If one chooses to pay attention to the news of our day, we find extreme division, confusion, heart break and losses. I am noticing in my psychotherapy practice that a greater and greater number of people are anxious and upset in response to what is happening politically and environmentally, frequently staying triggered in the trauma/fear response of fight, flight or freeze. People are not having time...
July 9, 2022
Mental health is connected to physical health in many, sometimes obvious and at other times more hidden ways. But they are connected. Consider: When we get scared, we sweat. When we cry, our blood pressure may change. And these are just the surface, measurable effects. What about being chronically stressed? The long-term effects may be harder to quantify but stress management is one of the first things...
November 19, 2020
Mental health is connected to physical health in many, sometimes obvious and at other times more hidden ways. But they are connected. Consider: When we get scared, we sweat. When we cry, our blood pressure may change. And these are just the surface, measurable effects. What about being chronically stressed? The long-term effects may be harder to quantify but stress management is one of the first things...
November 19, 2020