Tagged as Processed Food

We do love our coffee, don't we? The average American drinks -two cups- per day. And most of us have our own variations on that beverage. The options are as unique as every American. Creamy sweet, black, chocolatey, with syrups, or even with butter. And hen we look at getting healthy and making better choices, this beverage tops the list of places where we need to make adjustments. And it's worth it...
January 21, 2021
How many of us look up the ingredients of every food we eat, let alone investigate every obscure, unpronounceable additive to make sure it’s safe? We should be able to assume the foods in our pantries aren’t going to cause us long-term harm, but it’s possible that -some of them are.- Processed foods can contain all sorts of questionable ingredients. But some food additives can cause us harm. And this...
September 12, 2020
Many seemingly -healthy foods-, such as granola, veggie chips, protein shakes, yogurt, sports drinks and trail mix, aren’t as healthy as many might think. Food labels can trick consumers into thinking they’re choosing a nutritious, wholesome product when it’s actually loaded with sugar, sodium, fat, preservatives and other questionable ingredients. Moreover, the rules can change suddenly, further complicating...
March 30, 2020
Processed foods are notoriously unhealthy because they contain lots of refined carbohydrates, sugars, fat and artificial ingredients. What’s more, they have very little -nutritional value. As if that isn’t enough to malign convenience and packaged foods, a new study shows that people who eat processed foods eat more and weigh more than those who eat a minimally processed diet. People who regularly...
June 24, 2019