Tagged as Post Divorce

No one expects it to happen to them, but divorce strikes -up to half- of all marriages. The experience can be devastating on numerous fronts. You may feel challenged financially, emotionally, and even spiritually, depending on how entangled those aspects of your life were. The world may feel like it’s crumbling, and it’s okay to struggle while figuring it all out, but it’s also important during this...
April 29, 2020
Every divorce begins with an ideal vision of a better life. Underneath it’s usually colored by fear and anger but the gloss on the vision is love. People going through divorce are looking for love. Why else go through such an experience? In order to reach your ideal vision, we have to set the stage for your new life. Here are 5 unavoidable post divorce passages you need to face before you can get that...
February 21, 2020