Tagged as Partner

For many of us, our relationships are the foundation on which our lives rest. They are where we draw our strength and often, where we find our greatest joy. But if they're unhealthy, they can rock our worlds to the core. Healthy relationships can enhance life, while unhealthy ones can upset everything. But how can we tell when ours is healthy? - What Makes a Relationship Healthy? - Trust.- Healthy...
July 21, 2020
I’ll admit, that title sounds kind of like an ad for perfume or positivity or plastic surgery. But you don’t need to go shopping for the one thing you absolutely need to find a great partner. Because—surprise!— - what you really need is to know in your heart that you’re just fine on your own. That means you’re secure in yourself, you’ve built a life you enjoy, and nobody else is going to “make you...
November 10, 2018