Tagged as outside

Spending time outdoors can be good for your mental and physical well-being. From increased vitamin D levels to improved healing time, there’s no reason to ignore the benefits the great outdoors has to offer, and ample reasoning to sit up and take notice of the benefits. Learn how much time you need outdoors and the concept of outdoors goal-setting to help you get the most from this important practice....
March 20, 2022
Researchers believe they have found an “anxiety vaccine” in the most unlikely place: soil. Studies- have shown that a common bacterium found in plain old dirt, -Mycobacterium vaccae-, has anti-inflammatory properties that prevent the brain from being wired for stress. This means that an overly sterile environment in childhood could contribute to anxiety disorders later in life. For decades, scientists...
January 25, 2022
The following wellness practice is anything but expected or typical and there are no bath bombs or essential oils involved — but it may be the most important idea to come along in some time. Forest bathing-, or shinrin-yoku, is a traditional Japanese practice that is all about connection with the natural world and the results on well being are stunning. Here’s what science says about forest bathing...
July 13, 2019