Tagged as Meditation

Do you sense the power of this present moment? - Amid the sacrifice and the fear, do you feel the undercurrent of possibility? - Would you like to be a part of the collective that will manifest a new way of being and living on this planet? Is it clear to you that we are on a threshold that will lead to more division and scarcity or more unity and abundance? - When you imagine into both the near and...
June 5, 2020
Mindfulness, a concept practiced as early as the fifth century BC, has recently experienced a revitalization, perhaps an explosion, in our modern culture. But what is it exactly and why is it important? At its most basic, mindfulness refers to the practice of paying attention, being in the present moment and remaining open-minded. The practice itself has been linked with lower rates of depression and...
February 11, 2020
Meditation is one of those things that offers tremendous benefits to our health, but which we often need some assistance getting to. According to -Mindworks.org-, some of the health benefits associated with regular meditation include stress management, less anxiety, decreased depression, increased immunity, better sleep, better gut health and an overall sense of happiness and well-being. But it can...
September 17, 2019
Do you need to get away? We live in a hectic world, and we all need to refuel from time to time. A wellness retreat might be just what you need to recharge your spirit and body and keep you performing at your best. Wellness retreats allow you to let go of day-to-day stressors while caring for yourself in new and healthy ways. Check out these 5 relaxing retreats and see what a little added wellness...
March 5, 2019
Health-centric smart devices have helped millions of people stay physically fit, manage their diabetes, and meditate their way to better mental and physical health. Today, smart devices are moving beyond standard - fitness wearables - and personal meditation apps. We can now monitor our offices for CO2, keep our homes safe from invasion, and - detect water leaks and shut off the water - before they...
January 31, 2019
The workplace hippie. The "overly" health conscious individual. The granola. The mediation junkie. These are all phrases I’ve heard being thrown around at work to describe those free-thinkers who aren’t quite content enough with typical rhythm of an office workplace. I am that person, and I am not ashamed! - I’ve decided to take the road to long term wellness, and I’ve found my route through mindful...
April 14, 2018
Let’s face it! I was pretty skeptical when I thought about trying yoga.  I wondered how yoga could ever be a full “workout” without running, biking or doing circuit training and sweating!  But, my friends encouraged me to give it a try and go into it with an open mind.  Just because you are not breaking out into a full sweat doesn’t mean your body isn’t getting a work out, right? - So, I headed over...
March 28, 2018
Couples therapy feels like an absolute necessity at times. It’s also crazy expensive and usually not covered by insurance companies. The last time -I went to couples therapy-, I was paying $100 an hour. If you think that’s expensive, it’s actually a little more on the cheap side—people could pay less, but some couples end up paying $150 or more. What if you could get free couples therapy and not even...
March 16, 2017
If the practice of meditating is simple, then why does it sound so intimidating? - Sitting by yourself with an empty mind sounds like an unachievable goal. In most cases, it is. It’s not because you’re not doing -meditation properly-; it’s because you have unrealistic expectations. For some of us who aren’t Zen masters or Buddhist monks, the concept of meditation sounds foreign and frightening. The...
March 7, 2017
Whether we want to or not, we all experience stress in varying degrees. While stressful situations are a completely regular occurrence, there’s recent evidence that has shown links between chronic stress and mental health illnesses. The side effects of chronic stress commonly include depression and anxiety, as well as many other symptoms of mental health conditions. Newfound Claims Regarding Chronic...
April 9, 2016