Tagged as manifesting

Do you sense the power of this present moment? - Amid the sacrifice and the fear, do you feel the undercurrent of possibility? - Would you like to be a part of the collective that will manifest a new way of being and living on this planet? Is it clear to you that we are on a threshold that will lead to more division and scarcity or more unity and abundance? - When you imagine into both the near and...
June 5, 2020
This is true: energy becomes matter. The choice right now is between living a life based in matter or living a life based in energy. Is your life about stuff or feelings? Do you value owning more of what you want or feeling more of what you want? - Let’s say you got to pick between door #1 or door #2. Behind each door is a potential future reality that, when chosen, becomes your truth. Behind door...
November 27, 2019