Tagged as Law of Attraction

Do you sense the power of this present moment? - Amid the sacrifice and the fear, do you feel the undercurrent of possibility? - Would you like to be a part of the collective that will manifest a new way of being and living on this planet? Is it clear to you that we are on a threshold that will lead to more division and scarcity or more unity and abundance? - When you imagine into both the near and...
June 5, 2020
You know, that person that you see — they just seem to exude that something special that you can’t quite put your hands on? They radiate charisma, an air of confidence, ease, joy and a certain- je ne sais quoi. Some people naturally have this way of being, while others need to cultivate it. This is what it means to radiate inner sexiness. In our search for love, we’re primarily seeking two things:...
October 16, 2019
The Law of Attraction says that we create our own reality—both positive and negative—by the thoughts and actions we put out into the universe. Thoughts and emotions are a form of energy, and the energy we project into the world is the same energy we will attract back to us. This applies whether you are focusing on what you want in your life or what you don’t want. Whatever you direct your attention...
November 8, 2018