Tagged as Kids

Tablets and phones offer a world of entertainment and information many of us didn't have access to as children. This affords them opportunities we never knew—but where is the line? - Too much time spent on phones, tablets and other devices can have lasting effects on children's health. Kids may experience both physical and mental health effects. So how do we protect them without making them fall behind...
June 27, 2022
We all want the kids around us to be healthy and to have the best chance at growing up with great habits. But there are lots of kids who struggle with vegetables and other healthy habits. So what can we do? - Kids are fantastic mimics. Because of that, the adults around them have the best opportunity to create these healthy habits for the young people who are depending on them. The fact is that healthy...
January 2, 2022
Grandkids truly are the sunshine that makes every day brighter! As a grandparent, it’s important to pass on family values and traditions and to help the little ones feel like they have a tie to those from whom they've come.We want to help them build memories that will sustain them after we've gone and we want to absorb some of that little-kid delight to warm our days as well. Sometimes, with the age...
December 30, 2021
Childhood obesity is on the rise. In fact, over 20% of 12-19-year-olds are obese. Parenting is hard no matter what but when our kids face health challenges, we have to look at our own behavior and -see if we can do anything- to prevent or cure the problem. And in the case of obesity, barring any underlying conditions that may be the cause, our parenting may be at the root of childhood obesity. Preliminary...
September 3, 2020
Why is it that we moms spend hours, weeks, months researching the best schools and summer camps, finding the best Christmas presents and birthday gifts, scoping out the best flat screen TVs, but we want to cook dinner in a quick 20 minutes. Think about it: we sign our children up for multiple activities when they are small so they can get into college, but we don’t teach them two simple skills they...
April 5, 2018