Tagged as isolation

Most of us have been itching to get back to our pre-COVID routines, even if we might not fully remember what those old norms entailed. Our world is not the same place we knew even a year ago, and we’re not the same people. Our social skills have gotten rusty, and a lot of us are feeling anxious about getting back out there. While it may be the crux of a slew of memes and the butt of many jokes, social...
July 16, 2021
Being under quarantine has been a challenge for many of us. It's hard to feel stuck. Maybe you didn't even want to go out but now that you can't it sure sounds good, doesn't it? But if your health routine was dependent on going to the gym, heading out for a run, or daily shopping trips for fresh veg, this is going to be a challenge. Staying healthy during a quarantine can feel hopeless, like you may...
April 6, 2020