Tagged as immune boost

Immune system support is important all the time, but in the time of a pandemic, this is especially true now. Most of us are doing what we can to stay safe and healthy, but are there actions we can take to support our bodies that go beyond simply eating well and finding the discipline to exercise? Some herbs and vitamins could boost the immune system, giving the body its best shot at potentially fighting...
March 9, 2022
Our immune system is our defense system against illnesses. We're pretty defenseless against the winter crud on our own. Without the immune system, we would catch every cold, flu and infection that crossed our paths. And then we'd have them indefinitely — or die from them. In fact, a simple virus could take our lives if it weren’t for the valiant efforts of the immune system. That’s why it’s so important...
November 2, 2021
Elderberry is a go-to for many people when cold and flu season comes around. It has real -antiviral properties-, making it a genuine preventative for many strains of infections. But herbalists are sending out alerts to earn people because those same incredible properties could make elderberry treatments dangerous for some people suffering from COVID-19 infections. Elderberry can be a great flu preventative,...
April 6, 2020