Tagged as Hip Pain

Lower back pain is a common problem, with -16 million US adults- struggling with chronic pain in that area. But now, there may be a hip surgery that helps back pain patients feel better and live healthier and more active lives. The Hip and Back Pain Connection - There are many -different causes for lower back pain-, and often the pain extends to one or both hips, as well. For people who are battling...
July 19, 2021
The bad news - millions of people experience and are slowed down by lower body pain and stiffness. The good news - they can loosen up some of those tight spots with the right exercises. We have a few that are proven to help and you don’t need to be naturally flexible or athletic to get started. When our back, knee or hip is giving us trouble we tend to move less, because of the pain it causes. This...
May 23, 2019