Tagged as health

How many times do you sit in the office looking at your computer, wishing you were at the gym or outside doing something active? You just want to exercise a little bit more, but you work a lot and you don’t feel like sacrificing the time you spend with your family for exercise. Anyone who has tried to keep up with the routine of going to work, staying healthy and exercising regularly has probably told...
May 20, 2018
As a mother of 5 children I’ve gained and lost around 200 pounds in the last decade. As a Prairie Wife living in the middle of nowhere Wyoming, I had to rely on more than a little grit and grace to find ways to lose all that weight! The closest gym is 30 minutes away and sadly, our single income budget doesn’t allow for a private chef or nanny. Over the years I’ve learned what truly works and I’m here...
January 9, 2018
If it’s one thing the world of nutrition has unfailingly demonstrated over the past few decades, it’s that the typical Western diet is not working. A - publication - from the - New England Journal of Medicine - reported that 10% of the planet is now considered obese, and according to the CDC, 40% of U.S. adults and nearly 20% of U.S. children are now obese. And because of well established links between...
December 9, 2017
Quality conversation with friends and family is healthy.  Add in a cup cup of tea, and you’re actually adding to what you can contribute to the conversation. More than that, the particular tea used can help you focus on the discussion. Everyone has heard that drinking tea is good for you, but many don't realize that special teas can do everything from boosting focus to burning fat. It’s wise to have...
August 6, 2017
We have all grown up being pelleted with health "facts" - i.e., assertions or discoveries that had been solidly proven to be truthful, according to the latest research.  Some people have blamed the Internet for the deluge of health information that has been unleashed but, clearly, we were overwhelmed with such information (thanks mostly to popular magazines and tabloids) even before its advent. Let's...
March 27, 2017
Since Donald Trump has become the President of the United States, I thought it prudent to provide health-related biographical information about him.  Some of this information you may already know, other facts may come as a surprise. This information may prove useful to the public for the following reasons: - It may illustrate whether he is a good role model (in terms of good/bad health practices, beliefs...
August 17, 2016