Tagged as Goals

New Year’s resolutions are a great idea... in theory. In practice, they’re not usually so great. How many of your New Year’s resolutions have been as life-changing as you’d hoped they’d be? How many did you actually follow through with? Sudden, drastic changes don’t tend to stick very well, making -most resolutions- a set-up for failure. Instead of making a yearly resolution, why not work toward real,...
January 6, 2024
Each year, countless people set their New Year’s resolutions. In 2020, the -most common resolution- was to exercise more. Eating healthy and losing weight came in third and fourth, respectively. That’s a lot of people starting something new, and many of them may not have any experience with exercise at all. So, what should you do if you want to get more active, even though you’re a newbie to the gym?...
December 3, 2023
If intentions alone could knock out that to-do list, we’d never have to worry about procrastination or lost productivity. We’re all only human, and sometimes that means we aren’t always on top of everything, even when we want to be. Finding the motivation can be tricky. Life can get hectic, and sometimes procrastinating feels like the only feasible option for our mental health. We have some tips that...
June 17, 2022
Do you live a life of intention and purpose? With focused intention we can create our lives based on our interests, ideals, truth, and, ultimately our purpose for being here. According to the Merriam - Webster Online Dictionary, Intention is "what one intends to do or bring about." With this in mind, an Intention Board can be the visual beacon necessary to guide us on our quest to live our true life....
June 11, 2018
New Year’s resolutions can be for fun, minor improvements or they can be much needed changes in one’s life. In Santa Monica and Los Angeles some of the most popular New Year’s resolutions are: - Finding a soul mate - Losing weight - Improvement in one’s career and income - Quitting smoking - A healthier diet - Better relationships - Traveling - Getting sober - As a clinical psychologist I often hear...
February 7, 2014