Tagged as Food Labels

Many of the foods we consume are not as healthy as the manufacturer's make them out to be. Over the years, many companies have found small ways to bypass the FDA guidelines. They divulge just enough information to be truthful, but tend to stop just short of telling the absolute truth about a product. Sometimes guilt by omission is the name of the game. Even the occasional "word swap" can take place,...
April 11, 2023
Millions of us are frequently searching for tools to help us lose weight. We're looking because losing weight is hard. And those struggling to do so often feel like there's got to be a better way—or something, anything, that can help make it easier. Well, now there’s a possibility of -having exercise advice on food labels- to help with exactly that. Would it help you? It may seem simplistic but it...
April 13, 2021
Many seemingly -healthy foods-, such as granola, veggie chips, protein shakes, yogurt, sports drinks and trail mix, aren’t as healthy as many might think. Food labels can trick consumers into thinking they’re choosing a nutritious, wholesome product when it’s actually loaded with sugar, sodium, fat, preservatives and other questionable ingredients. Moreover, the rules can change suddenly, further complicating...
March 30, 2020