Tagged as eye strain

Computers and online devices have become so deeply integrated into our daily lives that many of us don’t think twice about how often we may use them., or how long we remain at the screen. We might not even make the connection when symptoms of eye strain begin to appear, often dismissing them as other problems or ignoring them altogether. But when all that time online starts to take its toll, it’s time...
April 15, 2022
Depending on the wavelength, light has the power to heal or destroy. Our eyes depend on light to function, but we often forget the wide range of effects light can have on long term eye function. We’ve only begun to scratch the surface when it comes to our understanding of these impacts, but new studies could offer hope for people who’ve suffered certain types of visual decline. The Role of Light on...
October 1, 2020
Many eyeglass wearers have done it: taken our glasses off and wondered how we can even see through them. They're dirty, smudged, and foggy. Sometimes it seems like no matter how much you clean eyeglasses, they’re still full of fingerprints and smudges. Dirty eyeglasses are more than just annoying, though. Trying to focus through unclean lenses can create headaches and eye strain. The problem is that...
March 17, 2020