Tagged as Drug Abuse

Hepatitis A popped up the CDC’s radar in 2017 when the agency first became aware of - widespread outbreaks. Since 2016, over 17,000 cases have been reported, including 170 deaths. We have details on the underlying epidemics that led to it all. Cases of hepatitis A dropped dramatically after vaccine recommendations in 1996, but reports of the disease skyrocketed again in 2016. Hep A is most prevalent...
June 11, 2019
When I hear the term "unconditional love," I think of the incredible moment my son was born. Yet a parent's love can be virtually destroyed. Some of the most difficult moments I've witnessed as a therapist, when there wasn't an actual death, is when a parent is agonizing over a grown child whose destructiveness and emotional manipulation are squeezing out the last drops of unconditional love that parent...
May 5, 2018
When individuals engage in substance abuse (alcohol, drugs, etc.) and they are unable to quit usage on their own even though they have tried repeatedly, but succumb to using again, they possess an addiction. Addictions are multi-faceted; they affect individuals in one or more ways; biologically, psychologically or socially. When the body develops withdrawal symptoms after the individual discontinues...
April 27, 2018
Tweens love to try new things, including dangerous, addictive drugs. Would you be able to tell if your kids were sampling drugs - and how would you respond if they were? I'd like to be able to tell you that teens don't use drugs. Unfortunately, that's not true. I wish I could assure you that tween - kids ages 9 to 12 - wouldn't think of using drugs. But I'd be lying. In my practice, I see tweens every...
April 5, 2013