Tagged as Disease

If you haven’t heard of kombucha, get your wow face on! It’s a fermented tea that’s loaded with probiotics, a tangy great taste, and can be sweetened with fruits or combined with other superfoods such as algae to have even more health benefits. Because the kombucha is fermented, it’s carbonated so it has that fizziness you love just like soda. Here’s why you replace soda with kombucha. It’s Healthier!...
November 15, 2021
As the founder of Wellness.com and still a busy practicing physician, I have for decades rebelled against what President (5-Star General) Eisenhower might call “The Sick Care Industrial Complex”: similar to his phrase the “Militrary Industrial Complex.”  This metaphor means that “sick care” with all its money, lobbyist, and political influence over government regulators have  become an entity within...
June 3, 2016
As a preface to what you’re about to read, the intent of this article is not to make you paranoid. The purpose is to create awareness! - Public places can often times be much more contaminated than you think. A simple trip to the grocery store can expose a person to a staggering array of germs. These can potently translate to sicknesses and diseases. While working at a grocery store, this concept is...
May 12, 2016