Tagged as Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension

High blood pressure is no joke. Nearly -one in three- U.S. adults suffer from hypertension, and only about half are able to keep theirs controlled. Several factors, such as obesity, tobacco use, inactivity and high alcohol intake, can contribute to higher readings, but diet is one of the biggest offenders. Check out this yummy list of foods that might help turn the tide. Diet plays a role in blood...
August 30, 2023
Like other systems in your body, the better you maintain your brain, the more efficiently it’s going to run. Your - cognitive reserve - , or your brain’s ability to problem-solve and adapt around complex issues, can decline over time. Brain games and crossword puzzles might help, but you’ll need more than mental exercises to keep your reserves at their best. Good diet and proper exercise are vital...
November 3, 2020