Tagged as Depression Symptoms

Anyone with any form of depression knows that it can make their world different in so many ways. This disorder can make people feel sluggish, guilty, worthless, emotional (anger and sadness), frightful, suicidal, unmotivated and it can make someone feel like they are on an emotional rollercoaster ride that doesn't have an end in sight. The very -signs and symptoms of depression- make taking action...
November 18, 2022
Depression is hard enough when it doesn’t affect your intimate life. But it can be downright devastating when its treatment also strips us of that one vital pleasure. Antidepressants cause sexual dysfunction in many users, but there are solutions. Some people find it’s a side effect that wanes over time if they wait it out, while others may need to switch to a different antidepressant or add a new...
November 14, 2019