Tagged as Deficiency

Not many (if any) people think about their vitamin B12 levels on a regular basis. However, there are significant health risks associated with a -vitamin B12 deficiency-, including depression, paranoia, delusions, memory loss and incontinence, among others. To make matters worse, a B12 deficiency is quite sneaky. You may not even realize you have it until you’re very sick. Vitamin B12 deficiency is...
April 4, 2022
Hi, my name is Ken Ceder. As a health science researcher I want to share something important with you. I’d like to shine a light on a little known silent epidemic that affects millions of people worldwide and they don’t even realize it. I’d also like to shine a light on its solution. This has been a passion of mine for decades… - Since the beginning of human history people have lived, worked and played...
July 26, 2018