Tagged as coronavirus

Face masks have become regular accessories. Experts have learned a lot over the past year about the -effectiveness- of different types of face coverings. For example, they found wearing one not only protects the people around us from our germs, but it can also afford us protection from the germs of others. Still, given the seriousness of the pandemic, we all want to do better here we can. In the absence...
February 12, 2021
Acne can be a frustrating problem that robs many of their self-confidence. It's hard enough to be a teen with acne, but adults often feel stigmatized by their acne struggles if they continue unchecked into adulthood. And now, with the need to wear masks during the pandemic, even those who don’t normally have skin problems may be having issues, too. Termed “maskne,” this mask-induced acne is a real...
January 29, 2021
This pandemic has thrown the entire world for a loop with its broad base of symptoms and unpredictable illness course. The more experts learn about it, the more incentive we all have to avoid catching it. But now we have people who have been struggling with COVID for many months, the so-called "long haulers" and as we work to help these people, we're learning a lot. Recent studies have uncovered a...
January 25, 2021
When it comes to masking for COVID-19, many of us have gotten used to the idea of covering up to protect -other- people from -our- germs. We want to be good people who care about others so we wear masks to protect them. There are whole PSAs built on "protecting grandma." And it's true that they do protect others. Masks can catch many of the vapor particles we breathe out or at least reduce how far...
January 15, 2021
The pandemic has the world turned upside down and there doesn't appear to be a clear end in sight. But whether it's the possible outcome of catching COVID-19 or how to navigate health challenges when the system is so overwhelmed, the one thing that many many of us have in common right now is concern about our health. These concerns can cause rising stress levels and further isolate us in a time of...
December 7, 2020
Allergies can make breathing difficult, so it’s safe to assume they might make upper respiratory infections even more severe. But if that's the case then why is it that -allergy sufferers- appear even -less- likely to experience extreme COVID-19 symptoms? The answer could be as simple as it is surprising. Effects of Allergies on the Body - Allergies are the result of mistakes the immune system makes,...
November 25, 2020
With a chill now in the evening air and fireplace hearths heating up, what better way to shift gears into the new season than to break out the hot chocolate and soak in some quality time with the people who mean the most? Oh, except there's a pandemic. F - or those of us who live far away from loved ones, the holidays are often a time to reconnect, catch up and strengthen family bonds. COVID-19 will...
November 23, 2020
There’s been a lot of talk recently about strategies to snuff out COVID-19 using herd immunity. The idea seems great, well, in theory. Herd immunity works well against many viruses, but not all. Experts have weighed in on the pros and cons of using it against the pandemic, and the prospects aren’t looking great. Here’s what we know so far. How Herd Immunity Works - Herd immunity occurs when enough...
November 18, 2020
COVID-19 has altered so much of our day-to-day lives, we barely blinked at all the candy chutes this Halloween, if we even noticed. Or maybe we did a stay-home Halloween. We've modified our routines, switched to working from home, and learned to help our kids through a Zoom call. And here we are, sliding into the holidays as new lockdowns are being implemented and restrictions tighten again for much...
November 18, 2020
COVID-19 has found its way across nearly every corner of the earth, and its ability to survive for long periods outside a host has been a part of its ability to spread. Now, new research has uncovered that the novel coronavirus can survive -on human skin- for a surprisingly long time and that has raised alarms. COVID-19 Survival on Skin - We house -millions of microbes- on and in our bodies, but not...
November 4, 2020