Tagged as Cold Virus

When someone says the word “seaweed,” what comes to mind? If you spend any time at the beach, you probably think of scraggly looking green or brown strands washed up on the sand, or wispy tendrils that brush against your legs while you crash in the waves. Or maybe, if food is your thing, you picture certain traditional eastern treats, such as sushi rolls, soups, and seaweed-based noodles. But did you...
August 25, 2022
My mama used to give me vitamin C at the first sign of a cold, hoping to stave it off. But while it may have been helpful in some ways, it may not actually do what mama thought. There is no direct evidence that vitamin C -prevents- colds, says the -National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. But don't give up hope or throw out mama's advice just yet. There is some evidence that suggests...
January 21, 2020