Tagged as clutter

For most of us, unless we practice daily diligence, clutter can easily take over. From piles of papers to toys in the middle of the floor, it can be very discouraging to live among the clutter and hard to find the motivation to get going on it. It’s the universe’s best example of the second law of thermodynamics in motion: Without constant work, everything tends towards clutter. Maybe this will help:...
July 9, 2021
Our surroundings can have serious negative effects on our health and wellbeing. There are -25% of Americans- living in at least a moderate amount of clutter. But when that mess is in the bedroom, it offers a special kind of threat to our wellbeing. We spend -half our lives- in our bedrooms. A messy room can have a negative impact on both physical and mental health. The “background stress” that comes...
October 1, 2019