Tagged as Carpal Tunnel

If you have hand or arm pain (or numbness) you might have thoracic outlet syndrome. It affects up to 2 percent of the population, but most people have never heard of it. In fact, this condition initially goes completely undiagnosed in almost -all- cases. That’s because it mimics many other dysfunctions, fooling even the trained medical eye. So it’s important to know what to look for in order to get...
December 3, 2019
Tunnels.  They help us get from Point A to Point B.  There are well known road tunnels such as the Lincoln Tunnel in NYC, or the longest tunnel in the world - The Laerdal Tunnel in Norway. What is the Carpal Tunnels’ claim to fame?  The Carpal Tunnel serves as a passageway from the wrist to the hand. The main traffic in this tunnel is the median nerve.  The median nerve needs to go from point A to...
June 10, 2015