Tagged as Breat Cancer

Want to hear a shocking statistic? -About 38%- of men and women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives. Although treatments are continuously improving, and in many cases life expectancy is much higher than it once was, it’s always better to never get cancer in the first place. What if making a few small choices could reduce risk? It turns out, that's a great idea to bank on. Making...
February 24, 2020
When it comes to breast health, it’s important to go far beyond what meets the eye. Breasts have 3 main parts: lobules, ducts, and connective tissue that can either be soft and fatty or dense and fibrous. If you have more fibrous tissue you may be diagnosed with dense breasts by your doctor, but what does that mean? - The Ins And Outs Of Dense Breasts - If you have dense breasts, don’t panic! This...
October 10, 2017