Tagged as Breast health

Breast health matters, but many women aren’t sure, beyond mammograms, what they really need to be doing to protect themselves. It turns out, though, that besides getting regular mammograms, we can do several important things to improve and monitor the health of our breasts. 1. If You Smoke, Quit - There are several health benefits to quitting smoking, but one of them may be a reduction in the risk...
March 22, 2021
A mixed drink after work to unwind, a glass of wine with dinner, a nightcap to relax before heading to bed — having one drink every day isn’t a big deal, right? Except, for a woman, maybe it is. How Much Alcohol is Safe for Women? - Just three drinks per week raise the risk of invasive hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer by -15%. Drinking 2-3 drinks per day increases the risk to -30-50%. One drink,...
May 26, 2020