Tagged as back pain

Do you (or someone you love) suffer from chronic back pain? Chronic back pain is common and many causes of back pain are actually preventable. Just one or two bad habits can take a massive toll on your back. See how these bad habits could contribute to back pain, and what you can do about it. Sitting or Standing All Day - There’s a good chance your job requires you to sit or stand for - extended periods...
November 21, 2023
Most people think the effects of age only set in at about mid-life. First you’re young, then you suddenly wake up with arthritic knees that can predict a coming storm. You fall asleep in a slightly wrong position and wake up with a back that hurts so much you can barely make it through the work day sitting at your desk. However, aging starts long before any external signs are apparent. It’s best to...
October 16, 2023
Nearly 80% of U.S. adults -suffer from foot pain-, yet only 1 in 3 adults seek medical attention for their ailments. Fortunately, there is an alternative, even for those hesitant to try prescription drugs. Whether the pain is due to arthritis, blisters or another podiatric ailment, CBD products might be just the thing for many of them. For some people, this extract mimics the performance of prescription-strength...
March 30, 2022
Lower back pain is a common problem, with -16 million US adults- struggling with chronic pain in that area. But now, there may be a hip surgery that helps back pain patients feel better and live healthier and more active lives. The Hip and Back Pain Connection - There are many -different causes for lower back pain-, and often the pain extends to one or both hips, as well. For people who are battling...
July 19, 2021
According to the -National Library of Medicine-, 80% of people will experience back pain at least once during their lifetime. And for far too many sufferers, that pain is chronic. If you've ever suffered back pain then you know how miserable it is. Our backs are connected to everything! And too often it feels like we can't move. Back ha a way of draining us of motivation to do much of anything. The...
August 6, 2020
The bad news - millions of people experience and are slowed down by lower body pain and stiffness. The good news - they can loosen up some of those tight spots with the right exercises. We have a few that are proven to help and you don’t need to be naturally flexible or athletic to get started. When our back, knee or hip is giving us trouble we tend to move less, because of the pain it causes. This...
May 23, 2019