Tagged as Anxiety

"Okay, take deep breaths," my mom used to tell me when I was scared. But I've also heard this advice given by doctors, friends, spouses, and anyone trying to help someone who is struggling. It turns out, this is solid advice — and it's not just a distraction technique, it's science. Taking slow, deep breaths can actually calm the brain when it goes into overdrive, and it can also help regulate other...
March 13, 2020
What does your gut tell you? Do you trust yours when something feels off? In some people, like sufferers of depression and anxiety, the gut may be sending signals they feel they can't trust, and a vital nerve that spans from the head to the stomach could hold the key. Research shows that faulty communication in the vagus nerve, which runs between the gut and brain, could be to blame for some cases...
January 28, 2020
Worry and fear are on the rise. We’re continually assaulted by vast amounts of disturbing information. The future appears uncertain. Frustration and anger spill over onto our roads and into our stores, restaurants, and neighborhoods. Fears, phobias, post-traumatic stress, panic disorders, social anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive behaviors are on the rise. Personal financial concerns, health issues,...
January 9, 2020
Many conditions present differently in men and women, and anxiety is one of these. Physical and psychological differences can affect how we perceive and react to threats, impacting our behavior. About one-third of people suffering from anxiety are men. Men may be more likely to show agitation or anger rather than overt signs of panic. Take a deeper look at anxiety in men by checking out the full article...
January 7, 2020
INTRODUCTION - A good number of people have unjustified fears or anxieties regarding dental care.  Some of that fear springs from misconceptions and myths; others spring from bad experiences they have accidentally bumped into in the past. The good news is that a number of important facts—some of which may not be known to you - can help allay some of those fears and sources of anxiety. TEN REASSURING...
December 4, 2019
We all have these challenging moments when we feel that we simply can’t go on. Life appears to be so tough and unforgiving that all strength is gone and the future looks dark. The true strength of every person becomes apparent in times of adversity. Every therapist will tell you that relationship and financial troubles, the loss of a loved one and health problems are the ones that will truly test your...
November 6, 2019
Nearly 20% of U.S. adults have an -anxiety disorder-, yet just over 1 in 3 of them seek treatment. Left untreated, anxiety can damage romantic relationships, friendships and careers. The good news? Many anxiety symptoms are manageable with learnable techniques and/or prescription medication. One little-explored type of treatment is to have a service dog. In fact, many people with anxiety have no idea...
October 17, 2019
Hypnotherapy is not part of the mainstream medical treatment medication or psychotherapy. However, it’s a popular alternative treatment for people suffering from various mental conditions like phobias, stress, self-esteem issues, and anxiety attacks. What are anxiety attacks? - Persons who suffer from an anxiety disorder often worry excessively over imagined or unrealistic matters. Such a condition...
September 27, 2019
The term “adrenal fatigue” has gained recent popularity as one possible cause of an apparent epidemic of gut problems, sleep disturbances, anxiety and fatigue. But is it even real? What can you do if you’re suffering? - “Adrenal fatigue” is a term naturopaths use to describe the long-term effects of stress on the body. Symptoms include extreme fatigue, digestive issues, anxiety, insomnia and sweet...
September 16, 2019
Over 16 million people suffer from depression in a given year, and over 40 million struggle to cope with anxiety. Affective disorders like -depression and anxiety- have long been known to exacerbate physical illnesses such as IBD, stomach upset, and otherwise unexplained illnesses like fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Researchers have now added dementia to that list. Prematurely Aging the...
August 30, 2019