INNER HEALING (Inner Child Healing)

Mahria Thompson, Life-Mastery Life Coach Mahria

Many people are plagued with a challenging childhood and abuse they suffered from it.
The past can hold us down in our self-esteem, confidence and ability to succeed in life.

Freeing yourself of subconscious programming from the past is possible and necessary to live a happy life now.

Life-Coach Mahria will work with you in releasing stuck emotions - whether they be anger and rage, depression, sadness, fears of various sorts, paranoia, jealousy, or insecurities of various types.

The need is to air these energies and have them accepted and validated by a person other than yourself. This person has to be emotionally present with you and caring, and know that you are totally fine in reality. You have just been bogged down with those unwanted energies which made a home in your subconscious mind.

Learn about the Inner Child and how it rules you unconsciously and simply needs acknowledgement, acceptance, expression and love to be freed to be happy and care-free.

Life-Mastery Coach Mahria has been healed from deep emotional wounds from an extremely challenging, abusive growing-up time, which left her handicapped socially, and damaged her self-esteem, leaving her totally ruled by fear and plagued with continual sadness, and limited in her life to create success and happiness.

She fervently wanted to be "normal", and pursued nearly every healing technique available over the years, (including getting a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology.) Deep wounds took Mahria much time to heal because of her handicap, but she has done it, and is now freed of that heavy, negative past programming, and the handicap she suffered for most of her life.

Some main ingredients in healing that she discovered is having Faith in God as you know Him, and studying a truth book to saturate the mind with Universal, Spiritual Truths, and having positive people around you that you can be real with.

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