Will Menopause Be A Thing Of The Past? Comments

What is the optimal time to take the melatonin? 30 minutes before going to bed? Thank you.
Posted by Alina
Did the women who regained their menstrual cycles in the melatonin study regain fertlity and ovulate as well? Did this occur during the 6 month study and did the postmenopausal women (1-2 years) also regain fertlity? I have started taking melatonin as from 1 June 2011 as per your article with a view to regaining menstrual cycles and fertility. How long did it take into the study before menstrual cycles resumed? I would appreciate your input as fully as possible sothat I may have a guideline.
Posted by chilli
Can you please advise how long it took for the woman in the study who took melatonin for 6 months, before they resumed menstrual cycles particularly those who were postmenopausal for 1-2 years? Did the women regain their fertility and ovulate?
Posted by chilli
Maureen Kennedy Salaman (who wrote the book 'All Your health Questions Answered and was the host of 'Making Healthy Choices') said light interfered with the production of melatonin and that it should be taken after the lights are turned off, just before going to sleep. She also said that if you get up and turn on a light it nullifies the melatonin and it should be taken again. Do you know anything about this? Also, is sub lingual the preferable form or does it matter?
Posted by estel
of the women that were taking melatonin at 8pm to reverse menopause, how soon after were they going to bed? I work quite late into the night and so would like to know what the equivalent best time to take the tablet would be for me. Is it three-four hours before going to bed? I have just gone into menopause (missed two periods. I will keep you updated on the success I have with it.
Posted by ellejay999
Linda08 do you have any published documents that also show this? I've never heard this one before. I do know that very high levels of melatonin supplementation (above 25 Mgs) have been shown to interfere with sex hormone production. In fact one study showed that high levels of melatonin might be useful as a male contraceptive. I believe however this has more to do with a change in the timing of the pulse of sex steroid production rather than a true suppression. This has been evidenced in a couple studies that show the timing of the dose of melatonin alters the diurnal cycle of estrogen production. Here we see that the "when" of production is effected and not necessarily the "how much". Current anti-aging related interventive HRT generally include melatonin along with estrogen so I have to think that this is a misconception.
Posted by SuperHumanRadio
I read somewhere that taking melatonin along with hormone replacement therapy actually interferes and causes estrogen decline. So does that mean you have to choose one or the other?
Posted by Linda08
ewilson I have done a few years of research on melatonin and both interviewed for my show and spoken to over that same period Dr. Russell Reiter known to his colleagues as the godfather of melatonin. He has personally been involved in over 700 studies over 30+ years on the pineal gland and its major hormone - melatonin and I can say with a great degree of confidence that this is no true. What may occur however is a change in the heartbeat from taking too high a dose of melatonin. The reason for this is that melatonin acts on the seleno-enzyme cascade that produces deiodinase (<url removed> which gives thyroid hormone T3 is metabolic actions. This is evidenced by the profound protective action melatonin has on heart and liver tissue in hyperthyroid individuals. I've learned that the in-tissue landscape varies by organ and T3 has a profound effect on hearbeat. On that note I also believe that the standard 3MG OTC dose is too high a dose and that 1Mg or under is more suitable for most people. Humans produce the highest amount of melatonin prepubertal and the drop heralds puberty. This is why young children who have disrupted sleep patterns tend to experience precocious puberty. Melatonin is also the strongest anti-oxidant known to science. It also crosses the blood-brain-barrier with no challenge. Its a great supplement, but like all good things, in proper moderation. Carl
Posted by SuperHumanRadio
I think melatonin is awesome, but I heard that taking it regularly can cause heart problems.
Posted by ewilson
BethRosenshein I received your email and will be in touch to have you on the show. Thanks Carl
Posted by SuperHumanRadio
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