Posts by DearJames

Dear JamesI have recently left an abusive relationship. I am emotionally stuck, as I never have felt so much hate from another person before. I am getting older and want to know if there may be a healthy relationship in my future. Also, I want to grow spiritually so this never happens again. I want to create loving and healthy boundaries with my family and friends without feeling guilty if I do not...
4/4/2015 9:00:00 PM
Dear James, I have diabetes and I really need to lose some weight, workout more, as well as decrease my intake of a lot of things that aren't good for a diabetic such as sodas and chips. How do I stay motivated, when I only work out two days a week, and sometimes not at all? It's like my mind can't stay truly focused on that because of my career situation which is being without a job now for almost...
1/5/2015 8:00:00 AM