Posts by Mareesa

I've grown up with a TV in my room and always fell asleep to the TV being on. For a few years I removed the TV from my room and only recently have added the TV back. I fall asleep nightly to the TV being on, but don't know if it's a healthy way of falling asleep. For me the TV gives the white noise that I need to help clear my mind, it also seems to help me ignore the constant thoughts of what I didn't...
11/26/2007 7:45:33 PM
At my local health food store I see "Gluten Free" written on quite a few products, how does on know if they have a reaction to gluten and should be on a gluten free diet? Does anyone know what the signs are? What should I look out for?
11/16/2007 3:22:34 PM
When ever I exercise or it's really hot out my hands and feet swell up and it becomes pretty uncomfortable, does anyone know what causes this? Could it be the food I am eating? Are there any remedies that anyone knows of?
11/15/2007 10:53:13 AM
My cousin e-mailed me the other day to say that her 6 year old daughter is growing up way too fast and wants to know how to slow the process down. The little girl's name is Adreanna, her bedroom was just changed from the little girl princess room to a more mature girls room, this was Adreanna's choice. She told her Mom I don't want to play with Barbie's or dolls anymore, those are for little girls,...
11/7/2007 10:08:45 AM
I got a call today from one of my best friends who until yesterday did not know she was pregnant, she had a feeling and was late, so she decided to take a test and there it was she was pregnant with their second child. She was thrilled and nervous, she and her husband had decided not to tell anyone until they got past the first trimester as they have had two previous miscarriages. She woke up this...
11/6/2007 4:13:16 PM
How soon should you eat before and after a work out? I generally work out after work and then run my errands, etc, sometimes I do not end up eating for a few hours after my work out. Is that good for you? Should you eat right after a work out or does it depend on the type of work out you do?
9/24/2007 4:54:43 PM
Do Flax Seed Oil and Fish Oil pills work well together? I've been taking Fish Oil pills for a few years now and have recently started taking Flax Seed Oil pills as well. If I take both vitamins at the same time does one counteract the other or do they work well with each other? What vitamins should someone take on a daily basis?
9/24/2007 4:46:23 PM
It's time for me to detox, I've been doing a bit of traveling lately and feeling kind of sluggish, so figure it's probably time for a good detox. I am training for a half marathon, so I need to find a detox plan that allows me to run 4 days a week and also allows me to eat enough normal food so I have the energy and will to run those 4 days a week. The last detox I tried was horrible, it's from my...
9/24/2007 10:22:26 AM
I found this article on about a new tampon that cuts out the risk on Toxic Shock. New Tampon Cuts Toxic Shock Risk Fiber Finish Reduces Production of Disease-Causing Toxin, Researchers Say By Charlene Laino WebMD Medical News Reviewed By Louise Chang, MD Latest Womens Health News Pregnancy Triggers Binge Eating in Some Women Prefer Working Outside the Home Trial to Test Gene Therapy for Angina in...
9/19/2007 11:57:37 AM
My 1 year old niece was diagnosed with Excema when she was about 3-4 months old, she has been prescribed Excema creams, bath wash, etc and nothing seems to work. They live in Denver, CO and the weather there is very dry, which seems to aggravate her Excema, her skin is so dry that it's not cracking and a milky-brownish fluid is coming out of the skin around her ankles. She has red blotches on her upper...
9/18/2007 2:29:20 PM