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(1 Review)
Well, there's nothing more disheartening as being suicidal with pain, and having the only Dr. I can afford after getting in a car accident AND losing my job, tell me he can't treat me anymore, two weeks before Xmas because he doesn't like filling out papers for insurance!
Now mind you, he DID give me a couple of freebie $25 visits, which I DO appreciate, but when an older persons quality of life is in your hands, and you can make such a HUGE impact on their daily well being, I would HOPE that a dedicated man's "intrgrity" would shine through, and he would EMBRACE his God given ability to help and heal, but then again this is L.A. the land of APATHY. I wish him the best, because he is a nice guy, but the long term "compassion" is lacking. Not to mention all the social media advertising, and word of mouth referrals I did for him, that he has no clue about. I did this because I THOUGHT his caring was genuine.
And with that, we all KNOW that "NO good deed goes unpunished!"
If I can bring myself to survive this sometimes absolutely excruciating pain, I will seriously consider moving back to Denmark, as the American medical institution is a FAILURE in my eyes on MANY levels! DREADING going back to the 24 hour pain pills for the holidays......SO MUCH PAIN!!!!
REMEMBER: When we die, we will be judged by how we treated people on earth.

The Chiropractic oath:
"I will serve my patient to the best of my ability, violating neither his confidences nor his or her dignity, and in my association with patients I shall not violate that which is moral and right".
by Teri Layne
February 01, 2023
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