Fadely & Debrota Associates

Fadely & Debrota Associates
Fadely & Debrota Associates 3600 Woodview Trce Indianapolis, IN 46268
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Consumer Feedback

(82 Reviews)
4.5 star average for Service
4.5 star average for Environment
4.5 star average for Expertise
4 star average for Staff
4.5 star average for Recommended
3.5 star average for Value
Did you feel that this counselor was understanding?
Did you feel like this counselor genuinely listented to your perspective?
Yes, they listened to everything I had to say
Would you recommend this career counselor to others?
I Already Have
Did this provider take time with you at your appointment?
Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.7.167
August 28, 2014
Did you feel that this counselor was understanding?
Were the waiting rooms private?
Absolutely, they had a private waiting area and a separate exit.
Did this counselor have an open, accepting attitude towards you?
Does this provider remember you by name?
Does this provider offer flexible appointment times?
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.135.71
August 21, 2014
Career counseling for teens was not a great experience for the money. Call the number, go through the phone tree and select that you want to be mailed the tests, give my credit card info to a machine over the phone, get charged $250, and they send a packet of tests. When the tests have been completed, call to make an appointment. And all went according to the process I was told.

1. I called in early January, 2012, and took the first available appointment—in late March. Unfortunately when I realized that I had a conflict, I called in late February to reschedule—for late May. Don't try to get this done in a hurry. 2. The 1/2 hour appointment is entirely based on the test results. (There is no allowing for the student who didn't know what many of the careers entailed when answering questions as to whether he/she would be satisfied working as X. For many high school seniors, their knowledge of professions is not much more developed than what they have regular contact with in life or on TV: teachers, police officers, politicians, firefighters, lawyers, doctors, nurses, and what their parents do. They have a vague idea if anything of what a microbiologist does, or an electrical engineer, or a court reporter. Much less a skills manager, a sommelier, or a neighborhood planner.) The appointment consists of the counselor reading off your results, essentially phrased as "your answers were not like those of people who are in the following professions," and then telling you what you shouldn't be. There was no discussion with the teen, no checking to see if there were any questions, or if any answers had changed since first completing the tests nearly 5 months prior.

The counselor ended the appointment by telling my teen to go to the college she'd selected (which he made a snarky remark about), pick a general major that could provide learning in many different areas (with the goal of getting a qualified major adviser early on), and after 2 years of general studies, select a major that appealed. As if I couldn't have given that information to the senior.
by dustbunnymom xxx.xxx.129.163
July 17, 2014
Did you feel like this counselor genuinely listented to your perspective?
Yes! They listened intently and asked me questions after my explanation
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.238.171
June 11, 2014
Would you recommend this counselor to others?
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.169.52
June 09, 2014
Was the advice this counselor provided helpful?
Absolutely! I received the most helpful advice I ever have!
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.79.53
May 10, 2014
Did this counselor answer all of your questions?
Every question I had was answered thoroughly
Would you recommend this career counselor to others?
I Already Have
Did you feel that your waiting time was acceptable?
Did this provider seem current about the latest advancements in their field?
Did this counselor answer all of your questions?
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.134.83
April 03, 2014
Did you feel like this provider's office was sufficiently staffed?
Did this counselor answer all of your questions?
Every question I had was answered thoroughly
Did they provide comfortable chairs during your session?
Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?
Did you leave feeling satisfied with your visit?
by Scotchman xxx.xxx.74.94
March 26, 2014
Do you feel confident that this provider will work with you until a solution is reached?
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.225.217
March 21, 2014
Does this provider answer the phone in a reasonable time when you call?
Not really
Would you recommend this career counselor to others?
Did this provider help to improve your interview skills?
Did a staff member acknowledge or greet you when you entered?
Does the provider's staff treat you well?
by joe xxx.xxx.139.19
February 17, 2014
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