Holmes Management Littleton Lyne Apartments

Holmes Management Littleton Lyne Apartments
Holmes Management Littleton Lyne Apartments 125 Littleton Road Apt 9 Ayer, MA 01432
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(1 Review)

I moved in September ever since there has been nothing but problems first went from broken dishwasher to waiting for piece for A.C unit, to our neighbor causing problems and cops coming almost every weekend, and now our apartment flooded with sewer water and them telling us we can sleep in an vacant apartment that had some flooding in their bathroom as well. They told us they can't put us up in a hotel. This place has been nothing but problems and now with the sewer water in the bathroom, our room, our closet, my kids room and their closet this is the last straw. I DO NOT recommend this place to anyone. Also 5 times the board of Health has been there over a year.
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.33.15
January 02, 2013
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