Prairie House Living Center

Prairie House Living Center
Prairie House Living Center 1301 Mesa Dr Plainview, TX 79072
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(1 Review)
you lack the compassion as nurses and administrators, My grandfather was septic for over 2 weeks had black unstageable wounds on his heels and your NURSES and STAFF did nothing, the owners of this facility owns many other nursing homes and they are all the worst in the state of Texas. your staff and administrators lie about how long in takes o get medical records
My grandfather is on hospice and has been given 2 weeks to live because of your staff. the state nursing boards should take all your license away. you are suppose to be patient advocates instead you are just there for a paycheck Your doctors and medical directors should be ashame of them selves they took a oaths just like the nurses to protect patients And instead do nothing. check the states website before putting your love one in this home, Nursing should not be attached to this. check how many times state has been call and check how many malpractice suites have been filed
by Granddauhter/nurse
March 28, 2016
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