Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital Featured Provider
Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital
Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital Office

(281) 929-6100

11800 Astoria Blvd Houston, TX 77089
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Consumer Feedback

(8 Reviews)
4 star average for Service
3 star average for Environment
3 star average for Expertise
3 star average for Staff
2 star average for Recommended
5 star average for Value
Did you feel that your waiting time was acceptable?
Did you think that this provider was thorough with you during your appointment?
Was the provider's staff welcoming to you?
Does this provider give unbiased advice?
Absolutely! I always get sound, helpful, and completely unbiased advice!
Was it easy to make an appointment with this provider?
by Anonymous
April 19, 2015
Did this provider seem current about the latest advancements in their field?
Would you recommend this provider to someone who asks for a referral?
Did you feel like this provider's office was sufficiently staffed?
by Anonymous
June 18, 2014
Was this provider sympathetic to your situation?
Yes! They went above and beyond to make me feel special and respected
Did you have to wait long after you arrived for your appointment?
No, they were ready for me right after I arrived.
Does this provider offer flexible appointment times?
Absolutely! I never have a problem!
Did this provider thoroughly explain the risks and benefits of your treatment?
Yes, they made sure I had all the information I needed to make a decision
Does this provider give unbiased advice?
Absolutely! I always get sound, helpful, and completely unbiased advice!
by Sandra Lee
December 16, 2013
I would never recommend this hospital to anyone, and have actively discouraged people from going there. My mother died in the ICU at Southeast almost four years ago. They called me two days prior to tell me she was going to be transferred to another facility for longer-term care, then called me to say she had spent the entire day in ICU (protocol is to call the next of kin to report any significant change in condition or transfer to another unit, but they did not) and had died. When we arrived, she had been dead for approximately two hours. The TV in her room was still blaring and her dinner tray (presumably brought around 4 or 5, since that's how hospitals work) was still sitting on the table in the corner. They were confused and disorganized and did not seem to know what to do with a distraught family member. They in no way prepared me for seeing my mom the way they left her. It was beyond disrespectful to her as a person. I met with administrators several weeks later to discuss how communication had broken down so completely, and the risk management guy paid no attention to what I was saying, took a phone call while I was speaking, and left the room entirely. Unfortunately, I've heard from several friends that they've had similar experiences with this hospital, some of them resulting in the death or severe physical trauma. DO NOT USE THIS FACILITY!!
by anonymous
August 02, 2013
Did this provider answer all of your questions?
None of my questions were answered
Was this provider's staff friendly?
No, they were rude
Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?
Not satisfied, but not unhappy
by Anonymous
May 18, 2012
Does this provider always take that extra step to make you feel special?
Never, I've been going here forever and they can't even remember my name
by Anonymous
March 06, 2012
They definitely don't have a good professional reputation within my community. Everyone knows they're not trustworthy at all. I did not feel safe at all in their care. I definitely
had doubts about their qualifications. One of the first things I noticed about this business was how many different areas of the building were handicap-accessible. I have been to other places where I couldn't tell how someone in a wheelchair could even enter, but they really spent a lot of time to accommodate people with all different needs. They are always polite and never use foul language, which I really appreciate. It's always made me uncomfortable at other places when I've heard them use foul language, but they don't here. I know I can bring my kids, and not worry about it. When comparing them to others in their field, I would say they are by far the worst I have ever seen. I will never return. IN FACT I was taken there by ambulance 2 times for chest pain cough vomit and the DR assumed I was there for drugs NOW MONDAY I MAY HAVE A DEFIBULATORE put in my heart at CLEAR LAKE I WOULD like to discuss this matter with the administrator this is NOT the first time this happened to me I was admitted Sun drove myself knowing the ambulance gets irritated when I request CL regional. IF i had gone ONCE AGAIN TO YOUR FACILITY SUNDAY I WOULD HAVE DIED.
by Anonymous
September 23, 2011
How would you compare this provider to others in his/her field that you have visited?
Fairly Average
Does this provider welcome questions?
Not really. I felt like an annoyance when I asked a question
Was this provider's office easy to locate?
Only with clear directions
Did you notice a foul odor when you arrived at this provider's office?
A little, it was faint but I noticed one
by Anonymous
April 05, 2011
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