Gail Alexander, MD

Gail Alexander, MD
Univ TX Southwestern Med Ctr Ste 211, 12860 Hillcrest Road Dallas, TX 75230
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(3 Reviews)
3 star average for Service
3 star average for Environment
4 star average for Expertise
2.5 star average for Recommended
I first made an appointment with Dr. Alexander in the early1990's to consult with her about my 5 year old daughter who had been victimized and abused by her father and we had both been tormented verbally and through the court systems subsequent to divorce.

I distinctly Dr. Alexander telling me "you cannot help your daughter unless you get yourself help." I transitioned my daughter from an unethical Masters of Social Work (who was actually breaching medical patient- medical care provider confidentiality) to a PhD Child Psychologist with whom my daughter resolved the demons of the past and was set on a positive course.

I treated with Dr. Alexander for nearly 2 years. She was professional, empathetic, kind and forthright. I would rate her a "Super Doc".

Now 25 years has passed, my daughter is a well rounded, well educated stable young lady who served her country post 9-11 and is now dealing with a serious service related disability.

My career and life has taken an upward trajectory (for the most part) but I have been able to weather the storms due to the lessons learned from Dr. Gail Alexander.

There are special places in heaven for doctors like Dr. Gail Alexander who have dedicated their lives and professions to the healing of others.

by Kathleen Nugent
January 20, 2016
SHe is a well qualified physician
by Anonymous
July 02, 2013
12 years ago, Dr. Alexander saw my daughter as a toddler. My daughter had poor eye contact, tantrums, some behaviors we recognized as possible traits of autism. Dr. Alexander had one visit with my daughter, then one visit with us. She stated unequivably my daughter was "mentally retarded and possibly autism." She was absolutely certain. She coached us not to let our ISD mainstream her ever, and even suggested we move out of our district entirely. My daughter is about to turn 14. When she was 5, the teachers said they didn't know what was going on with my daughter, but she was in no way mentally retarded. As the years unfolded, we learned she was having "absent seizures" which were leading to her tantrums. She has friends and socializes well, is active in school activities. She has an IQ of 132. She won a district math award in elementary school, she makes As in honors math and science (and all other subjects) in middle school, and was just accepted into the new Health & Science Academy in our district. She earns near perfect scores on the state tests. Dr. Alexander cost my late husband and I years of suffering we can never get back - worries that we could not afford private schools, that she'd never live independently, questions about who would care for her when we were gone. My daughter soars. I have been drafting a letter to Dr. Alexander for years. Instead, it seems better to post reviews. Psychiatry is a subject science - no psychiatrist should make a diagnosis and allow no room for hope or error.
by Shelley Jones
January 24, 2013
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