David Lifschutz, MD

David Lifschutz, MD
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Consumer Feedback

(2 Reviews)
Did this provider ever postpone your appointment?
No, they never postpone my appointment
Did you feel like this provider's office was understaffed?
No, they were fully staffed
Were the restrooms well-stocked at this provider's office?
Yes, they were well-stocked
Does this provider welcome questions?
Yes, they don't mind answering my questions
by Anonymous
September 06, 2011
The magazines in their waiting room were so boring. It made my time in the waiting room drag. The chairs in their waiting room weren't the best but they served their purpose and I couldn't complain. They had a few different appointment times available but none were perfect for my schedule. They are always polite and never use foul language, which I really appreciate. It's always made me uncomfortable at other places when I've heard them use foul language, but they don't here. I know I can bring my kids, and not worry about it.
by ladysif
April 04, 2011
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