Kirk G Andrus, MD

Kirk G Andrus, MD
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Consumer Feedback

(2 Reviews)
Is this provider's business conveniently located?
Sort of, but its pretty far away from everything
Would you recommend this family doctor to others?
Is this business in a safe neighborhood?
Yes, it was in a safe enough neighborhood
by Anonymous
July 09, 2011
Does this provider adhere to the customer is always right policy?
Yes, they listen to all complaints and make every effort to correct the situation.
Did this provider pressure you to purchase any unnecessary products during your visit?
No, my decisions were always respected
Does this provider remember you by name?
Every single time, even if it's been months since my last appointment!!
Is this provider easy to reach in an emergency?
Absolutely! I can always count on them
by Anonymous
March 15, 2011
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