Saurinkumar P Shah, MD

Saurinkumar P Shah, MD
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Consumer Feedback

(37 Reviews)
3.5 star average for Service
4 star average for Environment
3.5 star average for Expertise
3 star average for Staff
3.5 star average for Recommended
1.5 star average for Value
Did this provider ever postpone your appointment?
No, they never postpone my appointment
Does this provider welcome questions?
Not really. I felt like an annoyance when I asked a question
Did this provider have an entertaining selection of waiting room magazines?
Not at all! They were boring and outdated
by Anonymous
November 16, 2011
Does this provider welcome questions?
Not really. I felt like an annoyance when I asked a question
Was this provider sympathetic to your situation?
No, they didn't show any sympathy or concern
Was the waiting area spacious?
No, it was rather cramped
Did a staff member acknowledge or greet you when you entered?
Not at all. They saw me but didn't greet me at all
Does this provider always take that extra step to make you feel special?
No, I don't think they appreciate my loyalty
by Anonymous
September 20, 2011
Their office was one of the quietest, most peaceful places I've ever visited. I was able to relax very easily. Not only do they never postpone my appointment, they always try to get me in as soon as possible. I love that I can always get an appointment right away, and I never have to worry about them rescheduling it. They are an absolute expert in the field. I would never feel unsafe or apprehensive in their care. I've never seen anyone who is more respected by their staff. The entire staff only had great things to say about working there, and it made me want to return all the more. I felt that they really valued my health and happiness because they followed up even after my appointment just to check up on me. It was such a nice gesture that made a huge difference.
by jamie
August 31, 2011
Is this provider willing to pursue advice from other providers when necessary?
Yes, they were willing to ask for advice when necessary
Were the waiting room chairs comfortable at this family doctor's office?
They were average
Was this provider willing to stay open late to accomodate your needs?
No, they close exactly on schedule despite any circumstances
Does this provider always take that extra step to make you feel special?
Yes, I always enjoy my appointments
Was this provider's office too loud?
No, it wasn't too loud
by Anonymous
August 25, 2011
How would you compare this provider to others in his/her field that you have visited?
The worst I have seen
Is this business handicap-accessible?
Yes, it was handicap-accessible
Does this provider give unbiased advice?
Definitely not! It was obvious they just wanted to make money!
Would you recommend this family doctor to others?
Absolutely Not
by Anonymous
August 17, 2011
How would you compare this provider to others in his/her field that you have visited?
The worst I have seen
Did this provider wear an obnoxious cologne?
No, they didn't wear any cologne
Would you recommend this family doctor to others?
Absolutely Not
by Anonymous
July 28, 2011
Not only do my appointments never get canceled last minute, they take time out of their day to send me a reminder so I don't forget. They are extremely reliable. I was confident that they were using the latest treatment methods. They were so kind and attentive to me. I didn't have to worry about them arguing with me, or contradicting what I had to say, which has been a problem for me at other places. They didn't pressure me to buy anything I didn't need, which I really appreciated. I've been to other places that pressured me to buy stuff and it always made me very uneasy. They always take the time to listen to me. I know they really care about me and what I have to say.
by Nichole
July 20, 2011
I did not feel safe at all in their care. I definitely had doubts about their qualifications. They didn't show any sort of attention to detail, which I think is very important. I was afraid they were going to miss or forget something important. They didn't give me advice that would benefit me at all. They only cared about what would make them the most money. I call to set up an appointment as a new patient, and I got a long winded lecture on how he doesn't provide any pain management/ or want patients needing and so on. Never ask about why I was calling or what was wrong or any concern for my well being. I had to cut them off to tell them nevermind. I want a doctor that is looking out for my care and wellbeing!! Poor pateint etiquette!!!!And I am a nationally registered paramedic not a drug user/seeker!!!
by R S
July 20, 2011
They are always prepared for my appointment and remember everything about me. It was so nice to arrive and see many fully qualified staff members. I've gone to some places that were very understaffed and I've never had a good experience. This place had a great staff though, and I'll definitely be going back. Whenever I make an appointment, I'm always confident that they're going to be ready for me at my scheduled time. At other places I've been to, it's always bothered me when they postpone my appointment, but they've never done that here.
by Jaime Soderland
June 21, 2011
Does this provider leave you on hold for a long time when you call?
All the time! I think I got a gray hair while I was waiting
Did this provider rush your appointment?
Yes, I felt like an annoyance!
Did you feel safe in this provider's care?
Did you feel like this provider's office was understaffed?
No, they were fully staffed
by Anonymous
May 13, 2011
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