Tagged as Anxiety

Is brain degeneration avoidable? - This may be the most important health question we ever try to answer in our lifetime. One that affects over 1 billion of the world’s population. You may find this hard to believe, but -many brain diseases are caused by only 2 or 3 core issues. They are not random. They don’t just happen. What if the cure for top brain disorders and an overall healthier brain is outside...
November 9, 2021
Geniuses aren’t typically known for their social skills, and few nerds are ever crowned as royalty at the prom. While some among the highly intelligent do manage to make friends, many find themselves spending a large portion of their time alone. The average person might assume pretentiousness and selectness are to blame, but the real reasons are far more down to earth than most people realize. Anxiety...
July 28, 2021
Anxiety has a way of striking just when we feel the least equipped to handle it, and when it’s severe enough the effects can literally steal a person’s breath away. We may feel helpless to pull ourselves from the moment, but we have more power than we might think. Breathing techniques can be surprisingly effective in calming both the body and the mind. Among several approaches is a technique called...
July 6, 2021
Emotional triggers can dig deep, so those of us who suffer from stress responses may feel the need to limit our anxieties by avoiding scary situations or places. In the case of heart disease, learning limits might be life-saving, but other issues might not improve unless we push ourselves. We can’t always say how we’ll react to a given situation, and when stress is a factor, real-world interventions...
June 25, 2021
There are many reasons people use massage. When we add essential oils to that massage, we may get even better results. Less pain, improved mood, and more relaxation may all be possible when we combine massage and aromatherapy. Here’s what we know. What is Essential Massage? - Essential massage-, which some also call aromatherapy massage, involves performing standard massage techniques using essential...
June 14, 2021
Depression and anxiety were probably the unofficial mascots of 2020. Even people without a previous history of these challenges found themselves climbing the walls after COVID-19 struck, as the effects of isolation, uncertainty and social divide hit everyone hard. When times get tough, more people start to seek new ways to gain relief, which means new products with big promises are sure to hit the...
April 23, 2021
The pandemic has the world turned upside down and there doesn't appear to be a clear end in sight. But whether it's the possible outcome of catching COVID-19 or how to navigate health challenges when the system is so overwhelmed, the one thing that many many of us have in common right now is concern about our health. These concerns can cause rising stress levels and further isolate us in a time of...
December 7, 2020
Many who suffer from both asthma and anxiety can attest to the connection; in some cases, sufferers may find it difficult to tell one from the other. About 34% of people with asthma also have an anxiety disorder. Both can make -the lungs feel heavy-, but the -two together- can be an even more difficult challenge. Physical and Emotional Triggers in Asthma - According to a study published in -Cognitive...
November 13, 2020
It’s natural to want to stay up to date on the news, especially when so much is currently going on in the world. With all of this uncertainty and worry, many people have come to a point where the weight of it all has become too heavy. But when we combine this restless worrisome uncertainty with a feeling of helplessness, we might begin to experience what's known colloquially a doomscrolling. “Doomscrolling”...
September 25, 2020
We might be lucky enough to grow up surrounded by family and friends. But eventually, whether from a move, or a loss of contact, a new school or in our first apartment, we all experience loneliness. By all accounts, loneliness is impacting many Americans in epidemic proportions. Some say ts the single greatest mental health crisis of our time. Yet we don't really seem to take it seriously as a problem. But...
August 24, 2020