Amalia's Residence for Elderly

Amalia's Residence for Elderly
Amalia's Residence for Elderly 1002 Gunner St Santa Maria, CA 93458

Amalia's Residence for Elderly

Amalia's Residence license for six residents, with three staff on duty for twenty four hour care.License Nurse on call, Pharmacist Assistant on duty...We accept  dementia residents,Hospice weaver,Oxygen (ETC).

Amalia"s Residence,caring for an aging loved one and managing the demands of your own life can be stressful and tiring. There's no need to go it alone.

Let us manage the daily care activities so you're free to enjoy quality time with your loved one.We will always provide: Dependable & Affordable Service, Peace of Mind for the Family, Independent Living at Home, Continuity of Caregiver,Quality of Life for our Clients.

Primary Specialty

Retirement Communities

Services Amalia's Residence for Elderly is listed as a retirement community in Santa Maria, CA.

Contact Amalia's Residence for Elderly to discuss your retirement living needs in the Santa Maria, CA area at or schedule an appointment to visit the facility located at 1002 Gunner St, Santa Maria, CA 93458.
Additional Services Nurse on Call, Activities Onsite, Nurses on Staff, Podiatrist Available, Physical Therapy Available, Occupational Therapy Available, Speech Therapy Available, Complimentary Transportation, No Smoking Allowed in Private Areas Indoors, No Smoking Allowed in Public Areas Indoors, Hospice Available, Male Residents Accepted, Female Residents Only, Doctor on Call, Dentist Available, Pets Allowed